
Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph

Troy Newman’s Publicity Triumph   Melbourne member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, Richard Grant, submitted the following letter to MP Terri Butler and allowed me to reproduce it here on LUTD.  Ms Butler is the infamous Emily’s List Labor member who was responsible for having Troy Newman‘s visa revoked.   Dear Ms Butler, My gratitude to you for the millions of dollars worth of free prime...

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Who’s Afraid of Troy Newman?

Who’s Afraid of Troy Newman? Someone must have been very worried about Troy Newman coming to Australia, so much so that they prevented him being allowed to speak at this month’s Right to Life conferences. So who could be that scared of a pro-life speaker? Well, I was once. I first heard of Troy Newman a couple of years ago when he was the focus of an article by my Facebook friend, Destiny, of New Wave Feminists. In her...

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How I Was Almost a Victim of Planned Parenthood

How I Was Almost a Victim of Planned Parenthood Guest post by Shiksa Yisrael. She saw our tweets about the buffer-zone legislation and wanted to share her story to encourage Australian pro-lifers. Shiksa chose life for her baby after hearing an advertisement about a pro-life rally while driving in her car. The advertisement influenced her to have an ultrasound which ultimately saved the life of her baby.   I feel like I have aged...

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Calling Good Evil

Calling Good Evil You could be forgiven for suffering overexposure after the recent succession of videos and campaigns targeting abortion-giant Planned Parenthood. The stories are shared all over Facebook and twitter, along with blogposts, commentaries and counter-attacks. But this ‘overexposure’ needs to be put into perspective. What may seem like overkill to those who identify as ‘I wouldn’t have an abortion,...

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Graphic Images - Charity, Truth and the Bloody Sacrifice.

    To defend the truth, to articulate it with humility and conviction, and to bear witness to it in life are therefore exacting and indispensable forms of charity. Charity, in fact, ‘rejoices in the truth” (1 Cor 13:6)   from Caritas in Veritate by Benedict XVI Graphic Images - Charity, Truth and the Bloody Sacrifice.   There are many weapons in the arsenal of a pro-life Catholic. For spiritual...

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